Proverbs 31:20 ~ " She stretcheth out her hand to the poor yea she reacheth forth her hands to the needy."
She is caring and selfless, looking past herself to reach out to others. She gives from her heart, never looking for anything in return. Her giving is not out of a time of convenience. It is not because of the time of year. It is defiantly not for just a tax right off. A women who only wants to do God's work. It is not by her own works, trying to buy salvation. She understands that we always should look out for our brothers and sisters. She appreciates all the Blessings that God has given to her. When reaching out her hand, she never judges. She is only reminded of how thankful she is for her family and friends.
She humbles herself to God on how to help those who are not only financially poor, but those who are poor in spirit. Reaching out to those who feel broken or those who have not strengthened their relationship with God. You are reminded of how God is working in people's hearts by hearing a " thank you" or "God Bless." We are constantly reminded God is never far and none of us are ever forgotten.
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