Saturday, June 23, 2012

Beauty Pick: Great For In The Sun Fun!

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Skin Food is my latest find for skin care. I stumbled across this when I was looking for a skin cream with Zinc in it. Losing concentration by the sale signs, my focus went immediately to the Skin Food. There is no better time to try a product then on sale. It is great for rough and dry skin. It is very hydrating. It has: Vitamin E, Organic Sun Flower Seed Oil, Organic Pansy, Rosemary and Organic Calendula. I have used Skin Food for prevention and for recovery of my skin. I have put this on before a high noon hike and didn't burn. After a day playing in the sun, with hot sun burned skin, I tried saving my skin by applying Skin Food. It worked! I tanned nicely with no peeling and no pain.

Skin Food can be found at Health Food Stores and online. There is also a store locator on the Welda website. The price range varies $ 10.00 - $18.50. I got my Skin Food at Whole Foods I found it for cheap, but at the time it was on sale. It is so worth it because it can replace your: moisturizer, sun screen and lotion. It is a multi- purpose product. It has surpassed other natural remedies that I have used. The other remedies work, but nothing has had as quick results as Skin Food.

I used this on my face and it was very gentle with no redness or irritation. It is very well absorbed in the skin, I have slept with Skin Food on my face and no greasy or stained pillow as a result. My husband has also used the product and it is Husband approved! This will be my Summer go to because it is going to be a hot one!